October 31, 2016
The weather is cooling off here in Bend and the season is now here for our long awaited program shift. We began moving Ascent Phase students up to the new townhouses last week and they are psyched for it. They look fabulous. There are 9 apartments, one is set up as a staff office and recreation/community area, the rest are ready to house 2 to 3 students per apartment. All newly furnished and ready to be lived in. We are so excited- as are the Ascent Phase students who are ready to move in!
As of the rest of our housing, we are moving our Wellness track students into the green apartments across the street from what used to be the “main Belay Phase house.” And the Belay House will become our new Discovery track housing. Offering a more specific track and individual support regarding evening activities. All Belay phase students still participate in therapy and recreational activities as a group.
This has been a long anticipated transition for CCT- Call us to set up a tour to check it out for yourself! Toll-free 866-357-6357.
We offer two tracks at CCT to support a young adults’ individual needs. The Discovery Track aligns with our students who have used substances to self-medicate and/or connect socially. Some of our students are ambivalent and working to discover the truth for them re: use issues, exploring passions is a discovery to replace previous self-defeating behaviors and sounds close to recovery without implying the possible “broken/illness” piece of the journey that requires “recovery”.
It all began in the Fall of 2011, when Sean Fievet had a dream and passion to continue working and supporting Young Adults. Since 2015, Sean has put into place a program ready to support YA’s coming out of a wilderness or a primary treatment program who are ready to apply their newly found skills to real life every day “adulting”.
We have worked with over 120 students in the first 5 years. Many who have chosen to make Bend their home, and who still check in with us to share updates.
Pop by and say Hi at IECA to celebrate our 5 years
Our Clinical Director, Dr. Sean Roberts, and five CCT students spent twelve days down in the Dominican Republic in early September. They lived in a home in a suburb of Santo Domingo and spent their days working within the highest-needs Haitian communities referred to as “Bateys.”
The trip was put together in collaboration with a Dominican organizations Friends Around the World and The Batey Foundation. They worked on helping build a preschool through brick and mortar construction and took breaks to play with the students. They were also able to pepper in a dance class, the beach and an exploration of the historical landmarks in the capital.
A large part of the trip was focused on the cultural connection and the opportunity to stretch comfort zones. Conversations naturally emerged among the participants about how little people actually need to be happy, and how easy it is to take the comforts we are afforded for granted. The trip was a great success and we look forward to continuing to offer this opportunity for more and more of our students moving forward!